Posts Tagged With: marketing

What is your brand color?

When it comes to branding, the main elements of a strong and easily recognizable identity is expressing the right colors through a cool graphic design. Without it, the majority of popular brands would not exist in the form as we know them today. So, what is your brand color? A US based Marketo company recently conducted a color research that they presented in a form of an info graphic below, showing why brand colors are important today:

brand color

At Tissue King, we use full color to print your brand Ads on our Tissue Packs. Get your colorful brand in people’s hand today.

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10 essential elements to consider while creating a flyer tissue ad

We are all bombarded daily with a huge amount of advertising, like big banners on the road side, newspaper ads, television commercials and many other media. How do you make your ad stay ahead of all these competition? One way to stay ahead of these is to promote your business using Tissue Flyer advertising with killer headlines and contents. 80% of your prospects will only read the headline and then followed by it content.

Whatever you do, always decide exactly what you want your customers to think about your business after they have read the flyer. Try to get this message across within the few lines. Keep words short, to the point, and try to cut out any unnecessary words that don’t need to be in there. Your spelling and grammar should be perfect.  Few question to ask yourself before printing a flyer.

Who will be reading this ad?    

What purpose am I trying to achieve with my tissue flyers?                                  

Where will it be read & in what context?

What font type am I going to use?

Once you have picked your font type, stick to it. Don’t be tempted to use various other fonts to zest up the copy. You are aiming for simplicity, clarity and impact. And finally Calls to action for easy contacts.

10 essential elements to consider while creating a flyer ad:

  1. Killer Headlines & sub heading
  2. Explain what your advert is about in few lines, clear sentence and text
  3. List, or even better, highlight the key features of your product or service
  4. Objections. It’s critical to anticipate your prospects potential objections and bring them up…then neutralize them.
  5. Know your target audiences well and who is going to see your ad
  6. Avoid jokey language. Be opinionated about your product or service, but nothing else.
  7. Special Offers. If you have a special offer, try to include it.
  8. Contact address. Your telephone number a must. If you have a good website, make sure you include its address.
  9. Easy to deal with. You need to appear approachable and responsive.
  10. Call to action. Ensure you encourage your prospect to go ahead and contact you!

Tissue Flyer Ad

Tissue King is a leader in Tissue Advertising in Malaysia with more than 5 years in this field. This Tissue Advertising is new concept of promoting and marketing your product and services to the masses. A popular concept introduced by Japanese is now available in Malaysia. Visit for further details.
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